Wednesday, 14 September 2016

9 Hair Stylists on the Hair Tools They Can't Live Without

9 Hair Stylists on the Hair Tools They Can't Live Without

I’m a pretty easygoing person – as long as I’ve washed and styled my hair for the day. It’s an essential part of my morning routine, without which I’m mentally useless, so I was pretty excited to see which hair tools stylists can’t live without. As a girl who’s stuffed five brushes, a blow dryer, some sectioning clips, and a one-inch iron into every overnight bag I’ve ever packed, I have a lot of respect for those who have mastered the best styling tools, especially the pro tools that hair stylists swear by. That’s why I reached out to handful of great hair stylists, and they were more than willing to share which hair essentials they absolutely need in front of their mirrors during the work day.

Here’s my general takeaway after having talked to these professionals: the basics are simply imperative. Fancy inventions and innovative tools are one thing, but when it really comes down it, getting a sleek, professional look is all about having a dependable brush, a great blow dryer, some sectioning clips, and maybe an iron. The trick, then, becomes finding ones that are super high quality and get the job done without headaches, hassle, or hair damage. Check out these top hair stylist picks for great tools that they simply cannot live without.

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